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Fig. 1 | Nano Convergence

Fig. 1

From: Subwavelength core/shell cylindrical nanostructures for novel plasmonic and metamaterial devices

Fig. 1

(a is adapted from [24], and b, c are adapted from [31])

Invisibility cloaking of a metal/semiconductor core/shell plasmonic NW. a Qualitative description of plasmonic cloaking in the quasi-static approximation. In a rationally designed core/shell NW, the local polarization vectors of the shell and the core can be anti-parallel (left and middle) and thus cancel each other (right). b Total scattering cross-section spectrum (red solid line) of a core/shell NW (Ag core radius a c  = 18 nm and Si shell radius a s  = 73 nm) for TE-polarized light and scattering contributions of individual angular modes. The invisible wavelength was determined at the wavelength of 427 nm where the total scattering cross-section shows a dip and the scattering contribution from each angular mode is minimized. c Near-field distribution around the core/shell NW (denoted by a white circle) at the invisible wavelength of 427 nm

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