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Fig. 4 | Nano Convergence

Fig. 4

From: Subwavelength core/shell cylindrical nanostructures for novel plasmonic and metamaterial devices

Fig. 4

(b, c are adapted from [33], and e, f are adapted from [34])

Super-scattering and super-absorption of multilayered coaxial metal/dielectric nanostructures. a Schematic illustration of a core/multi-shell NW structure for super-scattering. The NW is composed of a metal core and a layered dielectric/metal multi-shell. b Scattering cross-section spectra of the NW in the lossless case. Total scattering and scattering contributions of individual angular modes are shown. The permittivity of the dielectric layer was set to 12.96. The permittivity of the metal layer was described by the Drude model with ε = 1 − ω 2p /ω 2 where ωp is the plasma frequency (lossless case). The inset shows the geometrical parameters of the NW: ρ 1 = 0.3485λ p, ρ 2 = 0.5623λ p, and ρ 3 = 0.6370λ p, where λ p = 2πc/ω p and c is the speed of light in vacuum. c Near-field distribution and Poynting vector lines of the super-scattering NW at a frequency of 0.2542ω p. d Schematic illustration of a core/multi-shell NW for super-absorption. The NW is composed of a dielectric core and a layered metal/dielectric multi-shell structure. e Normalized absorption cross-section spectra of the NW. Total absorption and absorption contributions of individual angular modes are shown. Si and Ag were used as dielectric and metallic materials, respectively. The geometrical parameters, ρ 1, ρ 2 and ρ 3 for the NW were set to 51, 92 and 100 nm, respectively. f Near-field distribution and Poynting vector lines of the super-absorption NW at a wavelength of ~ 500 nm

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