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Fig. 4 | Nano Convergence

Fig. 4

From: Plasmonic photocatalyst-like fluorescent proteins for generating reactive oxygen species

Fig. 4

a 3D structure of miniSOG. This molecular model is based on the structure of the improved LOV protein (PBD ID: 4eet) using the Swiss-model server [83]. The backbone of miniSOG is shown as the green ribbon, flavin mononucleotide (FMN) as the orange sticks, and the amino acids as the magenta sticks (Reproduced from [65] with the permission of American Chemical Society). b Degradation of ADPA reacted with 1O2 photogenerated by miniSOG under light irradiation (red) (Figure from [64] and Creative Commons license). c Photosensitized 1O2 formation from miniSOG. Time-resolved 1O2 phosphorescent signals at λ = 1275 nm were recorded in d-PBS upon pulsed laser excitation at λex = 355 nm (Reproduced from [65] with the permission of American Chemical Society)

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