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Table 1 Differences between deep learning and traditional ML method [27]

From: Materials descriptors of machine learning to boost development of lithium-ion batteries


Traditional ML

Deep learning

Architecture and representation

Typically relies on feature engineering where human experts manually extract relevant features from the data

Neural networks with multiple hidden layers are involved in the process. They automatically learn a hierarchical representation of the data through the training process, with a relatively weak dependence on feature engineering


Primarily based on supervised learning, unsupervised learning, or semi-supervised learning paradigms

Commonly associated with supervised learning, where the model is trained on labelled large datasets

Data requirements

Often requires a set of handcrafted and high-quality feature data

After training, the model can automatically identify features from raw data, making it adaptable to diverse and complex datasets and capable of handling large quantities of data effectively

Computational capability requirement




Models are usually easier to explain and to understand the reasoning behind predictions

Deep neural networks with many layers may be seen as “black boxes” and therefore challenging to explain their decision-making processes


Suited for tasks that require explicit feature engineering and prioritise interpretability

Ideal for tasks involving large-scale complex data