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Correction: 3D-printed wound dressing platform for protein administration based on alginate and zinc oxide tetrapods

The Original Article was published on 16 November 2023

Correction to: Nano Convergence (2024) 10:53.

Following publication of the original article [1], the author identified an error in Fig. 3. The scale bar value should be “1 cm” instead of “1 mm” in panel C of the figure. The revised Fig. 3 has given below.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Bioprinting of the alginate-based inks. A–F Simulated and printed constructs. The pattern is picked in a way that no contaminants can enter from the top in a direct way. Still, open porosity, yet no direct path is implemented for the 50% filled constructs to retain oxygen permeability. A and D depict the simulated constructs generated in the slicing software from the respective G-Code. A represents the top view, where no direct path through the construct can be perceived. D shows the same constructs at a tilted angle where the open structure can be observed. B and E show the final printed constructs at a filling factor of 50% in the same viewing angles as A and D, showing both the blocked and the open pathways as stated before. C and F show the constructs with complete filling of 100%, with no easy pathways for oxygen or contaminants. G and H are optical micrographs depicting two crossing lines of printed alginate-based ink with 0% and 15% t-ZnO loading, respectively. The insets show a magnification of an individual line. The more jagged contour of the lines in H are caused by protruding t-ZnO arms. I: Graphs of an amplitude sweep for alginate-based inks with 0% to 15% t-ZnO. The moduli increase with the content of t-ZnO. J: Flow curves of alginate-based inks with 0% to 15% t-ZnO. Both static and dynamic yield stress do not change from 0 to 5% t-ZnO content. A significant increase in static and dynamic yield stress can be seen for 15% t-ZnO

The original article has been corrected.

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Schadte, P., Rademacher, F., Andresen, G. et al. Correction: 3D-printed wound dressing platform for protein administration based on alginate and zinc oxide tetrapods. Nano Convergence 11, 27 (2024).

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